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  • Writer's pictureWendy Carey

It's Me on the Cover of Aftenposten in Norway

So How did I end up on the cover of the Sunday Edition of Aftenposten in Norway? Well, Monica Stromdahl, Photojournalist happened to book into the hostel I was both managing and living at in 2018. We had some pretty deep conversations and found out we had some things in common, creatively and humanitarian wise. She was surprised to find that many people, myself included lived at the hostel full time. It prompted a deeper discovery and subsequent article on the issue of how and why people living in hotels in the United States. Well, Monica Stromdahl, Photojournalist happened to book into the hostel I was managing and living in in 2018. We had some pretty deep conversations and found out we had some things in common, creatively and humanitarian wise. I was asked if I believed the American Dream was still alive. I can't speak for everyone and realize that everyone's take on the American Dream is a bit different, I can say that mine involves having a home of my own and building my own businesses supporting humanitarian causes in the process. In my first eBay auction, for a Goat Goes Swimming can be seen here: and is supporting Habitat for Humanity Why did I choose them? They provide permanent housing.....the thing that many living at the hostel couldn't afford, myself included, even though it was more than a full-time 40 job.

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